What is Alzheimer?

Alzheimer's disease was first found in 1901 by Mr. Alzheimer when a patient had the symptoms of this disease. This disease is caused by a change in the brain. When the patient's nerve tissues in the brain seemed to affected by irregular folded protein called plaques and tangles in the neurons, it will break down the brain structure. Now you might wonder where the plaques came from. The fatty protein surrounding the nerve cells get cut of by certain enzymes. These proteins are called beta-amyloid, they stick together forming plaques, however, vaccines can prevent the forming of plaques by informing the immune system about the plaques. Certainly, if we are too late we can only slow down the progress by giving treatments. Clumps, also known as tangles, are dangerous because they disrupt the communication between the nerves, disabling a lot of neuron cells. These tangles created are called neurofibrillary tangles caused by the protein that makes the pathway for food molecules. This pathway, sometimes, collapses forming the tangles. The plaques and tangles first disrupt communication in neurons in the hippocampus where memories are stored. These memories are erased by tangles and plaques. This is why people usually have short term memory loss at the first stage this continues until they have no memories at all. The Alzheimer's disease just continues until it devours the whole brain, finally, killing the person. Scientists still haven't found a cure yet, for now lets just hope its soon. 


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