Cow's four chambers

Cow's have 4 chambers to help them in digestion of the food they intake. The chambers are rumenreticulumomasum, and abomasum.

Rumen and Reticulum- rumen is the first chamber where the food goes into after it's taken. This chamber ferments the food that is mixed with saliva.  Both have the same objective through a different function, this is often call the reticulorumen. The food that is mixed with saliva gets turned into solid clumps to form bolus. The bolus is then regurgitated (bringing the food back to the mouth) for breaking down the food using saliva. Reticulum also has another job, cow's sometimes eat foreign materials such as nails, plastic, and other indigestible objects, this makes the cow sick so the reticulum has hexagonal honeycombed type of layer to trap the objects.

Omasum- is the 3 chamber. This helps water and many of the inorganic mineral elements to be absorbed into the blood stream. It also absorbs some of the nutrients produced in the rumen such as the Volatile Fatty Acid.

Abomasum- is also known as the true stomach. This compartment mostly behaves like a humans stomach. Abomasum produces acids such HCL and pepsin to break down protein that cannot be broken down in other compartments.Then the food is moved to the small intestine

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