Is there something smaller than the subatomic particles we know ?
We all know that matter is made up of atoms which is made up of even more tiny particles called electron ,protons and neutrons. Are there anymore tiny particles than that ?? well lets see
There are particles inside the electron and the protons there are two types Lepton and Quarks
. Each have six different types of particles.
. Each have six different types of particles.
Leptons are present in electrons and have 3 generation of particles they are electronic leptons, muonic leptons and taunic leptons each have 2 types
- Electronic leptons contain electron and electron nuetrino (They are called as nuetrino because they are lightly nuetral)
- Muonic leptons contain muo and muo nuetrino
- Tuanic leptons contain tua and tua nuetrino
Quarks are present in protons and nuetrons and they have 6 types :
- Up quark and Down quark
- Top quark and Bottom quark
- Charm quark and strange quark
Up quark and Down quark are mostly usual in protons and neutron because they are most stable the others are only produced only when the Quarks are charged.
Neutron Quark structure
Proton Quark structure
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