Do you know how Microwave oven works???

A microwave oven contains a vacuum tube and the magnetron which gives out heat. The heat is transeferred by electro-magnetic waves which give out heat.

This radiation is fast as it moves in the speed of 2,450,000,000 per second. And so the food is made of hydrogen and oxygen atoms making a molecule and this radiation makes it move and collide each other creating heat inside and outside part of the food.


Now how do we get heat from the microwave ??

The vaccum contains the magnetron and the vacuum gives out electrons making the electro-magnetic waves. It also contains thoruim(good conductor of electricity) and tungsten(good conductor of heat) in its filament also called as cathode and the anode is made of copper and so the electons are bended inside the cavity by the magnetron giving electro magnetic radiation.


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